The Dragon Warrior
“The One Warrior” is a fantasy/action film inspired by video adventure games. The protagonist, known as The One Warrior, is transported to a mythical realm where his mission is to defeat the malevolent Lord Shoukata. To achieve this, he must overcome a series of formidable obstacles, including battling dragons, confronting the cursed swords of Damacleus, facing the Samurai Six, and clashing with the Amazon Warriors, among other challenges. As he progresses through each stage, he gains strength and power, leading to a climactic revelation that suggests he might have been testing a new video game all along. Or was he? The true nature of his journey remains a mystery. Written by Jewel A.
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Genre: Action, Adventure, Fantasy
Director: Tom Stout
Actors: An Ngo Ang, Brent Phillip Henry, Dominic Keating, Elizabeth A. Barron, Eric Alexander, James Russo, Jason David Frank, Patrick H. Benezueutton, Tara Kleinpeter
Country: United States of America
Company: UFO International Productions