The Devil’s Ring
After experiencing a traumatic past, Anthony Santiago (played by Alexander Luna), a former up-and-coming boxing talent, comes back home from prison in search of redemption. His return catches the eye of Mr. Deville (portrayed by Damian Chapa), a notorious boxing promoter with a dark reputation. When a deal with Deville goes awry, Anthony finds himself needing the guidance of retired champion Roy DeSilva (played by Al Dias) to engage in a literal battle for his soul against the Devil. This gripping tale, “The Devil’s Ring,” is brought to life by award-winning director Juan Salas.
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Director: Juan Salas
Actors: Alcides Dias, Alexander Luna, April Hartman, Cameron Vitosh, Damian Chapa, Jeremiah Alexander, Lioness TeLaine, Michael A. Williams, Victor Rivers, Violeta Ortega
Country: United States of America