The Decline of Western Civilization Part 3 1998
“The Decline of Western Civilization III,” a documentary from 1998 directed by Penelope Spheeris, explores the lives of homeless teenagers immersed in the gutter punk subculture. This film is the final installment in Spheeris’s trilogy that examines different facets of life in Los Angeles over time. The first installment focused on the punk rock scene of 1980-1981, while the second highlighted the heavy metal movement in Los Angeles from 1986-1988. This third film delves into the world of hardcore street punks, known as “gutter punks,” who embrace an extreme form of anti-establishment ideology, completely disengaging from mainstream society. Spheeris interviews homeless teens residing on the streets or squatting in derelict buildings in Los Angeles, as well as an unstable mother, LAPD officer Gary Fredo, and a paralyzed young person living on disability benefits.
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Genre: Documentary, Music
Director: Penelope Spheeris
Actors: Flea, Gary Fredo, Rick Wilder, Stephen Chambers
Country: United States of America
Company: Spheeris Films
Awards: 2 wins & 1 nomination
1h 26minRelease: 1998
Release Date: 1998-01-15
IMDb: 7.2
TMDB: 6.8
Rotten Tomatoes: 100%
Metacritic: 77
FilmAffinity: 6.9