The Color of Noise
“The Color of Noise” is a feature-length documentary that delves into the life of artist Haze XXL, also known as Tom Hazelmyer, and his infamous record label, Amphetamine Reptile Records. During the 1980s and 1990s, this label gained a near-cult following for its bold and fearless approach, standing out in an era when “safe” punk rock dominated the airwaves and grunge became the mainstream choice for college students. Amphetamine Reptile Records became a haven not only for some of the most outrageous musicians but also for a group of poster artists who defied conventions. With just a computer and a penchant for striking visuals, Hazelmyer emerged as a significant artist. This documentary tells the story of an American from the Midwest who forged his own unconventional path and, in doing so, inspired many others to achieve greatness through their involvement. It captures the essence of the true American underground scene.
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Genre: Documentary, Music
Director: Eric Robel
Actors: Buzz Osborne, Jello Biafra, John Brannon, Mark Arm, Steve Turner, Tom Hazelmeyer
Country: United States of America