The Classic
“The Classic,” directed by Jae-young Kwak, intertwines two love stories from different generations, as a young woman discovers her mother’s old love letters and learns about her past romance. The film beautifully explores themes of love, fate, and the enduring impact of memories across time.
Views: 53
Director: Jae-young Kwak
Actors: Cho Seung-woo, Hyun Sook-hee, Jo In-sung, Kim Byeong-ok, Lee Joo-Eun, Lee Ki-woo, Lee Mi-sook, Lee Seung-cheol, Park Do-Yoo, Seo Young-hee, Son Ye-jin, Zo In-sung
Country: South Korea
Company: CJ Entertainment, Egg Films
Awards: 4 wins & 2 nominations
Worldwide Gross: $828,261