The Christmas Listing
Julia Rogers, portrayed by Lexi Giovagnoli, is a diligent and somewhat rigid real estate owner who has become disenchanted with the holiday season. To secure the crucial listing of the Erickson Farmstead, she must endure a five-day stay at a Christmas Inn alongside her business rival, Chad Everest, played by Travis Burns. As they vie for the coveted listing, Julia and Chad begin to realize they share more similarities than they initially believed.
Views: 62
Director: Elizabeth Snoderly
Actors: Alex Galick, Claudia Anderson, Emily Sue Bengtson, Greg Evigan, Hannah Whiteoak, Janet Fogg, Lexi Giovagnoli, Rachel O'Connell, Susan Chambers, Sydney Gabriella King, Travis Burns
Country: United States of America
Company: G It's Entertainment, Love Christmas Films