The Captive Nanny
Chloe, portrayed by Karynn Moore, is a nanny with a strong desire to adopt a child, but she needs to sort out her own life first. She lands an ideal live-in nanny job with the Brown family, consisting of Emily (played by Austin Highsmith), Michael (Michael Aaron Milligan), and their son, which seems like the perfect opportunity to get her life in order. However, she soon discovers that the Browns have an unusually high level of security, with coded locks on every door. Emily explains that this is because of her famous musician ex, Baz (Jason Skeen), who is allegedly stalking her. Alarmed, Chloe agrees to assist Emily and Michael in protecting their son. But as Chloe starts to notice peculiarities with the Browns, Emily and Michael suddenly accuse her of being a spy for Baz. They imprison her to extract a false confession, but Chloe eventually realizes that Baz isn’t the one causing trouble—it’s Emily, who is willing to go to any lengths to win Baz back.
Views: 54
Director: Amy S. Weber
Actors: Ann Sonneville, Austin Highsmith, Austin Highsmith Garces, Jason Skeen, Judah Abner Paul, Karynn Moore, Louis Robert Thompson, Michael Aaron Milligan, Sarab Kamoo, Willie Mellina
Country: United States of America
Company: Almost Never Films Inc., RNR Media