The Body Fights Back
“The Body Fights Back” is a documentary film that follows the journeys of five individuals as they grapple with the contradictions of diet culture. Despite the alluring promises of happiness, attractiveness, and flawlessness, true joy and satisfaction remain elusive. The personal narratives, though originating from diverse backgrounds, converge into a disturbingly similar struggle against one’s own body. Acts of self-denial and excessive exercise offer fleeting relief, only to be succeeded by cycles of binge eating and purging. Interestingly, the core issue extends beyond mere food.
Views: 40
Genre: Documentary
Director: Marian Võsumets
Actors: Hannah Webb, Imogen Fox, Isabella Robinson, Johannes Schrey, Josephine Morondiya, Joyce Webb, Michaela Gingell, Rory Brown, Tenisha Pascal
Country: Estonia
Company: Lola Productions
Budget: 95,000