The Belier Family
In “The Bélier Family,” directed by Eric Lartigau, a teenage girl named Paula is the only hearing member of her deaf family, and she plays a crucial role in their daily life and farm operations. As she discovers her passion and talent for singing, Paula faces a difficult decision between pursuing her dreams and staying to support her family.
Views: 61
Director: Eric Lartigau
Actors: Eric Elmosnino, François Damiens, Ilian Bergala, Jérôme Kircher, Karin Viard, Louane Emera, Luca Gelberg, Mar Sodupe, Roxane Duran, Stéphan Wojtowicz
Company: France 2 Cinéma, Jerico, Mars Films
Awards: 8 wins & 11 nominations
Budget: 10,962,002
Worldwide Gross: $72,775,689
1h 46minRelease: 2014
Release Date: 2014-12-17
IMDb: 7.3
TMDB: 6.9
Rotten Tomatoes: 83%
FilmAffinity: 6.9