The Bad Nun
Inspired by real-life events, this suspenseful horror tale follows Aesha, who retreats to a secluded bed and breakfast in Kent, arranged by her mother to provide a peaceful environment for her studies. However, as night falls, Aesha is unexpectedly visited by a nun at the door. As the night progresses, the nun’s true nature is gradually revealed, leading Aesha to become increasingly uneasy and suspicious of her eerie surroundings.
Views: 71
Genre: Horror, Mystery, Thriller
Director: Scott Chambers
Actors: Becca Hirani, Bryson Dekker, Cassandra French, Chris Kaye, Georgia Woodthorpe, Gilda Waugh, Lucy Chappell, Mika Hockman, Patsy Prince, Thomas Mailand, Tiffany-Ellen Robinson
Country: United Kingdom
Company: ITN Distribution, Proportion Productions
Worldwide Gross: $4,594