The Assassin Next Door
In “The Assassin Next Door,” directed by Danny Lerner, a woman named Galia, trapped in a life of crime, forms an unexpected bond with her neighbor Elinor, who is also struggling with her own personal battles. As their friendship deepens, they find strength in each other to confront their oppressive circumstances and seek a path to freedom.
Views: 67
Genre: Action, Drama, Thriller
Director: Danny Lerner
Actors: Ester Rada, Henry David, Lior Habra, Liron Levo, Ninet Tayeb, Olga Kurylenko, Roy Assaf, Shalom Michaelshvili, Vladimir Fridman, Zohar Shtrauss
Country: France, Israel, United States of America
Company: Bleiberg Entertainment, Douek Productions, DPI Propaganda
Budget: $3,000,000
Worldwide Gross: $1,948