Thank Heaven
Jack Lander, portrayed by Matt Keeslar, is a television news producer whose life is in shambles until an unexpected event on the golf course alters his fate. While playing golf with friends, Jack’s stray ball strikes an elderly man, knocking him out cold. The man, named Arnie and played by Gene Bicknell, regains consciousness but suffers from amnesia. Jack finds himself responsible for Arnie, who begins to perform small miracles throughout the day. The mystery remains: who is Arnie, and how does he manage to create these miraculous events?
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Director: John Asher
Actors: Gia Carides, Gregg Baker, Jenny McCarthy-Wahlberg, Jessica Sara, Kadeem Hardison, Matt Keeslar, Michael E. Rodgers, Michael Manasseri, Ron Canada, William G. Schilling
Country: United States of America
Company: Heaven Sent LLC, Ken Jacobson Management, Lesli Masoner Productions Inc.