“Tetris,” directed by Jon S. Baird, is a thrilling biographical drama that delves into the intense legal battle and geopolitical intrigue surrounding the acquisition of the rights to the iconic video game during the Cold War era. The film follows Henk Rogers as he navigates a complex web of corporate and political obstacles to secure the game’s global distribution, highlighting themes of perseverance and innovation.
Views: 30
Genre: Biography, Drama, History, Thriller
Director: Jon S. Baird
Actors: Anthony Boyle, Ayane Nagabuchi, Ben Miles, Igor Grabuzov, Ken Yamamura, Nikita Efremov, Oleg Shtefanko, Oleg Stefan, Rick Yune, Roger Allam, Sofia Lebedeva, Taron Egerton, Toby Jones
Country: United Kingdom, United States of America
Company: AI-Film, Apple TV, Marv Films
Awards: 5 nominations
Budget: $80,000,000
1h 58minRelease: 2023
Release Date: 2023-03-15
IMDb: 7.4
TMDB: 7.7
Rotten Tomatoes: 82%
Metacritic: 61
FilmAffinity: 6.8