Teiichi no kuni
“Teiichi no Kuni,” directed by Akira Nagai, is a satirical drama that follows the ambitious high school student Teiichi Akaba, who dreams of becoming the prime minister of Japan. To achieve his lofty goal, he must first navigate the cutthroat world of student politics and secure the position of student council president at his prestigious school.
Views: 24
Director: Akira Nagai
Actors: Jun Shison, Kotaro Yoshida, Masaki Suda, Mei Nagano, Ryoma Takeuchi, Shotaro Mamiya, Shuhei Nomura, Yudai Chiba
Country: Japan
Company: AOI Promotion, Fuji Television Network, Fuji Television Network (Fuji TV), Shueisha
Awards: 1 win
Worldwide Gross: $15,545,390