Team Foxcatcher
“Team Foxcatcher,” directed by Jon Greenhalgh, is a gripping documentary that delves into the unsettling true story of John du Pont, a wealthy heir who established a wrestling facility on his estate, and the tragic events that unfolded there. Through archival footage and interviews, the film explores themes of ambition, control, and the dark side of the American dream.
Views: 26
Genre: Biography, Crime, Documentary
Director: Jon Greenhalgh
Actors: Dan Chaid, Dave Schultz, John E. du Pont, Mark Schultz, Nancy Schultz, Valentin Yordanov
Country: United States of America
Company: Hattasan Productions, Madrose Productions
Awards: 3 nominations
1h 30minRelease: 2016
Release Date: 2016-04-18
IMDb: 7.2
TMDB: 7.0
Rotten Tomatoes: 100%
FilmAffinity: 6.6