Tatara Samurai
In “Tatara Samurai,” directed by Yoshinari Nishikôri, a young blacksmith named Gosuke from a renowned steel-making village in Japan faces a dilemma between pursuing the path of a samurai or preserving his village’s traditional craft amidst the changing times of the Sengoku period. As external threats loom and the allure of modern weaponry grows, Gosuke must navigate the challenges of honor, tradition, and innovation to protect his community.
Views: 47
Genre: Action, Comedy, Drama, History, War
Director: Yoshinari Nishikôri
Actors: Akira, Anna Ishii, Denden, Katsuo Nakamura, Kosuke Toyohara, Masahiko Tsugawa, Naoki Kobayashi, Shun Sugata, Tomoko Tabata, Yoshiko Miyazaki
Country: Japan
Company: AOI Promotion, Aoyama Shoji, Asahi Shimbun
Awards: 5 wins
Worldwide Gross: $431,640