Tales of the Riverbank
“Tales of the Riverbank” follows the adventures of three companions—Hammy Hamster, Roderick Rat, and GP the Guinea Pig—who are carried away by a fierce storm and set off on a grand quest to find their missing homes. Their expedition, filled with humorous mishaps and thrilling perils, takes a more perilous turn when they learn that the entire riverbank is endangered by a waffle, marmalade, and doughnut (WMD) factory. This factory, run by the villainous Fat Cats, is contaminating the environment with ever more hazardous pollutants, known as the Big Dirt.
Views: 43
Director: John Henderson
Actors: Ardal O'Hanlon, Jim Broadbent, Miranda Hart, Morwenna Banks, Peter Serafinowicz, Stephen Fry, Steve Coogan
Country: United Kingdom
Company: PWW Productions
Budget: 7,586,905
1h 16minRelease: 2008
Release Date: 2008-02-07
IMDb: 4.7
TMDB: 5.1
Rotten Tomatoes: 44%
FilmAffinity: 3.7