Tales of Frankenstein
“Tales of Frankenstein,” directed by Donald F. Glut, is an anthology film that weaves together four distinct stories, each exploring different facets of the Frankenstein mythos. Set in various time periods and locations, the film delves into the consequences of scientific hubris and the timeless quest for immortality, offering a fresh take on the classic horror legend.
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Director: Donald F. Glut
Actors: Beverly Washburn, Buddy Daniels, Buddy Daniels Friedman, Jamisin Matthews, Jerry Lacy, Jim Tavaré, John Blyth Barrymore, Justin Hoffmeister, Len Wein, T.J. Storm, Tatiana DeKhtyar, Tatiana Neva
Country: United States of America
Company: Pecosborn Productions
Awards: 1 win