In “Bumperkleef,” directed by Lodewijk Crijns, a family road trip takes a terrifying turn when a father, who is prone to aggressive driving, encounters a mysterious and menacing van driver on a remote road. The film explores themes of road rage and the consequences of reckless behavior, building tension as the family becomes entangled in a dangerous game of cat and mouse.
Views: 46
Genre: Action, Horror, Thriller
Director: Lodewijk Crijns
Actors: Anniek Pheifer, Hubert Fermin, Jeroen Spitzenberger, Liz Vergeer, Peter Blankenstein, Roosmarijn van der Hoek, Tim Linde, Truus te Selle, Willem de Beukelaer, Willem de Wolf
Country: Belgium, Netherlands
Company: AVROTROS, Savage Film, Topkapi Films
Awards: 1 win & 4 nominations
Worldwide Gross: $151,484