Superhuman: The Invisible Made Visible
“SUPERHUMAN: The Invisible Made Visible” explores the astonishing experiences of people with extraordinary sensory abilities that challenge our current understanding of physics. Caroline Cory, the producer and host, who is well-versed in Consciousness Studies and Extra Sensory Perception, guides the audience on an incredible quest to find concrete and measurable evidence of these seemingly miraculous occurrences. Through a series of pioneering scientific experiments and demonstrations, viewers are encouraged to piece together insights about the true essence of their consciousness, the connection between mind and matter, and to question whether they exist in a simulated reality or have the power to shape their physical world and lead a fulfilling life. Ultimately, the film reveals that by making the unseen visible, this newfound awareness can elevate humans to a superhuman level.
Views: 46
Genre: Documentary
Director: Caroline Cory
Actors: Caroline Cory, Corey Feldman, Karina Smirnoff, Michael Dorn, Naomi Grossman, Paul H. Smith, Rachele Brooke Smith, Robert Picardo, Sean McNamara
Country: United States of America
Company: Omnium Media
Awards: 8 wins