Suicide Club
“Suicide Club,” directed by Sion Sono, is a Japanese horror film that delves into a series of mysterious and gruesome suicides across Tokyo, sparking an investigation by the police. As the detectives dig deeper, they uncover a disturbing connection to a pop music group and a sinister online community, raising questions about the nature of society and identity.
Views: 51
Genre: Crime, Drama, Horror, Thriller
Director: Sion Sono
Actors: Akaji Maro, Hideo Sako, Mai Hosho, Masatoshi Nagase, Nao Nagasawa, Rolly, Ryo Ishibashi, Sayako Hagiwara, Takashi Nomura, Tamao Sato
Company: Biggubîto, Omega Project, TOHO, Toho Company
Awards: 1 win & 2 nominations
Budget: $250,000
1h 39minRelease: 2001
Release Date: 2001-10-29
IMDb: 6.5
TMDB: 6.5
Rotten Tomatoes: 63%
FilmAffinity: 5.4