Strawberry Fields
“Strawberry Fields” tells the tale of two sisters who are drawn to the same man, each in her own unique way. This daring and imaginative melodrama provides a fresh perspective on a tangled narrative of desire, competition, and emancipation. The story begins with a seemingly lighthearted woman cycling through winding paths until she arrives at a strawberry farm, where she takes up a job and resides in a rundown caravan. As she starts to bond with her colleagues, she becomes particularly close to a rugged farmhand named Kev. Her aloof and enigmatic nature is unveiled when a captivating woman arrives at the farm, revealing that she has been fleeing from her sister, Emily. Emily’s eccentricity borders on perilous, and soon the sisters engage in a battle of wills, with Kev caught in the middle.
Views: 83
Genre: Drama
Director: Frances Lea
Actors: Anna Madeley, Christine Bottomley, Emun Elliott, Florence Bell, Harry Sims, Jack Roth, Jonathan Bonnici, Philip Martin Brown, Rich Goble, Susan Parks
Country: United Kingdom
Company: BBC Film, BBC Films, Film London, Screen South
Worldwide Gross: $203