Stan Helsing
“Stan Helsing” is a comedy-horror film that follows the misadventures of a video store clerk named Stan, who is unwittingly tasked with saving his town from a group of notorious movie monsters on Halloween night. As Stan and his friends navigate a series of comedic and spooky encounters, they must confront their fears and outsmart the creatures to survive the night.
Views: 33
Genre: Comedy, Fantasy, Horror
Director: Bo Zenga
Actors: Ben Cotton, Desi Lydic, Diora Baird, Elysia Rotaru, Ildiko Ferenczi, Kenan Thompson, Leslie Nielsen, Steve Howey, Tara Wilson, Zorianna Kit, Лесли Нилсен
Country: Canada, United States of America
Company: Boz Productions, Helsing Releasing, Insight Film Studios
Awards: 1 win
Worldwide Gross: $1,475,003
1h 30minRelease: 2009
Release Date: 2009-10-23
IMDb: 3.6
TMDB: 4.2
Rotten Tomatoes: 14%
FilmAffinity: 2.4