Stallo Awakens
In this 2018 thriller helmed by Freddy Vith, a tranquil Scandinavian village is thrown into turmoil as age-old myths become reality. Featuring acclaimed actors like Ingrid Bolsø Berdal and Aksel Hennie, the film showcases powerful performances that add layers to the eerie storyline. The plot masterfully blends traditional folklore with contemporary tension, crafting a captivating ambiance that keeps audiences riveted. Notably, the film is available for free streaming on Soap2day.
Views: 18
Director: Freddy Vith
Actors: Arne Skog, Bjørn Danielsen, Daniel Iversen, Helene Gade-Lundlie, Magnus Bjørnstad, Nina Blomsköld, Thor-Harald Normann, Trine Lise Olsen
Country: Norway
Company: Above-The-Line Film Productions, Unfrozen Pictures
Budget: 400,000