Special Correspondents
“Special Correspondents,” directed by Ricky Gervais, follows the story of a struggling radio journalist and his technician who fake frontline war reports from the comfort of their hideout in New York City after losing their plane tickets to Ecuador. As their fabricated stories gain traction, they must navigate the escalating consequences of their deception.
Views: 51
Genre: Comedy
Director: Ricky Gervais
Actors: America Ferrera, Benjamin Bratt, Eric Bana, Kelly Macdonald, Kevin Pollak, Meghan Heffern, Mimi Kuzyk, Raúl Castillo, Ricky Gervais, Vera Farmiga
Country: Canada, United Kingdom, United States of America
Company: Bron Studios, Stage 6 Films, Unanimous Entertainment
1h 41minRelease: 2016
Release Date: 2016-04-22
IMDb: 5.9
TMDB: 5.8
Rotten Tomatoes: 16%
Metacritic: 36
FilmAffinity: 4.7