Sorry I Killed You
In this darkly comedic film helmed by Jon Artigo, a company getaway spirals into disaster as a string of mishaps unleashes unforeseen turmoil. Featuring a diverse cast with Jonathan Bennett and Jennifer Blanc-Biehn, the movie skillfully combines elements of humor and horror as the characters find themselves in ever more dangerous predicaments. Although it hasn’t won any significant accolades, the film’s distinctive genre fusion and captivating performances make it worth watching. It is available for free streaming on Soap2day for those who are interested.
Views: 49
Director: Jon Artigo
Actors: Barry Alexander, Ben Kurland, Danielle Artigo, Jennifer Blanc, Jon Artigo, Jonathan Bennett, Matt Kohler, Pete Gardner, Santina Ferrante, Susannah Hart Jones
Country: United States of America
Company: Artigo Indie, Silver Hero Entertainment
Budget: $500,000