Samao Daikoku, portrayed by Shota Sometani, finds himself trapped in a life of crime after his family register is stolen, preventing him from leaving his underground existence. Determined to break free, he decides to rob a coin locker belonging to Daikichi Ebisu, played by Kiyohiko Shibukawa, who is linked to a criminal syndicate. Inside the locker, Samao discovers a hard drive filled with sensitive information about fugitives, the homeless, bankrupt individuals, and sex workers. He conceals the hard drive but is subsequently captured by Daikichi Ebisu. While imprisoned, he encounters a prostitute named Ami Nanmu, played by Erina Mizuno, and comes face-to-face with the ruthless gang leader Kan Senju, portrayed by Gou Ayano. Samao endures torture at the hands of the gang boss, and the secrets of his past gradually come to light.
Views: 81
Director: Gakuryu Ishii
Actors: Eishin, Erina Mizuno, Go Ayano, Jun Murakami, Kiyohiko Shibukawa, Shota Sometani, Yohei Matsukado, Yu Futami
Country: Japan
Company: Dragon Mountain
Awards: 1 nomination