Somewhere Tonight
“1-900-TONIGHT (Somewhere Tonight)” is a modern-day tale set in the city, focusing on the lives of two isolated individuals in New York who seek connection through an adult chat line. John Turturro portrays Wooly, an eccentric and naive bike messenger eager for some provocative conversation with Patti, played by Katherine Borowitz, who is a reclusive agoraphobic. Despite not meeting each other’s initial expectations, they discover that even the most overlooked souls can harbor traces of magic. The film explores how hope can manifest in surprising ways. It draws inspiration from the work of the late Dutch filmmaker Theo Van Gogh, specifically his film “06,” and is penned by Michael Di Jiacomo.
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Director: Michael Di Jiacomo
Actors: Elizabeth Marvel, John Turturro, Katherine Borowitz, Lynn Cohen, Max Casella
Country: Netherlands, United States of America
Company: Column Film, Ironworks Productions, Mollywood
Worldwide Gross: $8,139