Sole A Catinelle
“Sole a catinelle” is an Italian comedy film directed by Gennaro Nunziante, featuring Checco Zalone as a struggling vacuum cleaner salesman who promises his son a dream vacation if he excels in school. The film humorously explores themes of family, ambition, and the unexpected adventures that unfold during their journey.
Views: 37
Genre: Comedy
Director: Gennaro Nunziante
Actors: Augusto Zucchi, Aurore Erguy, Checco Zalone, Claudia Brovedani, Marco Paolini, Miriam Dalmazio, Orsetta De Rossi, Robert Dancs, Ruben Aprea, Stefano Sabelli
Country: Italy
Company: Taodue Film
Awards: 2 nominations
Budget: 8,000,000
Worldwide Gross: $69,903,094