“Slip” follows the journey of Sarah, a woman who, as a child, witnessed the murder of her mother. Now an adult, she is tormented by her mother’s lingering presence, which opens a portal for the spirits of the recently deceased. Sarah feels compelled to fulfill their last wishes so they can find peace. One such spirit guides her to Cal, a young car thief on the brink of turning his life around. However, Cal is falsely accused of betraying his partners, who now want him dead. Driven by the spirit of Cal’s murdered nephew, Sarah becomes a vengeful force, confronting a dark specter from her past while risking everything to save a stranger. As they race against time to save both their lives and souls, Sarah and Cal realize that there are far more terrifying threats than armed men.
Views: 29
Genre: Thriller
Director: Brian Maris
Actors: Allie Carieri, Donald Turner, Hajji Golightly, Hosea L. Simmons, Jill Small, Michael Balin, Phillip Jeanmarie, Rob Flowers, Sky Soleil, Stacey Paige
Country: United States of America
Company: Maximum Entertainment Group
Budget: $50,000