In a two-part original film, the first story, “Scorpio,” follows an elderly photographer who discovers an ancient Chinese elixir that transforms him into a handsome man in hopes of capturing the heart of a captivating young woman. However, his decisions could result in a sorrowful and tragic outcome. The second story, “Aswang,” centers on a financially struggling woman who takes in a stray dog, only to find that it morphs into an Aswang, a mythical creature, to shield her from harm.
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Director: Ato Bautista, Erin Pascual
Actors: Aria Amante, Emma Ribbot, Ivana Alawi, Jake Cuenca, Kaehla San Andres, Princess Myreli Orapa, Sarah Patricia Gill
Country: Philippines
Company: A2B, Dreamscape Entertainment, WASD Films
Awards: 1 nomination