In a world where every American possesses superpowers, Andy stands out as the sole individual without any extraordinary abilities. He faces a tough time trying to evade a gang of bullies headed by Sofia, whose main goal is to worsen Andy’s already difficult life. However, what starts as a routine bullying incident quickly escalates into a dangerous scenario, forcing Andy—and Sofia—to confront a life-threatening challenge. Through this ordeal, they both learn valuable lessons about bravery, leadership, and the real essence of what it means to be “special.”
Views: 44
Genre: Action, Sci-Fi, Science Fiction
Director: Juan Felipe Orozco
Actors: Alvi de Abreu, Camilo Ávila, Jose Restrepo, Julieth Restrepo
Country: United States of America
Company: Blue Lab, Circle Management + Production, Circle of Confusion, Onset Labs