“Silenced,” directed by Hwang Dong-hyuk, is a harrowing drama based on true events, focusing on a newly appointed art teacher at a school for hearing-impaired children who uncovers a series of horrific abuses perpetrated by the staff. As he fights to bring justice to the victims, he faces a corrupt system that is determined to silence the truth.
Views: 63
Director: Hwang Dong-hyuk
Actors: Baek Seung-hwan, Gong Yoo, Jang Gwang, Jeon Kuk-hwan, Jung In-seo, Jung Yu-mi, Kim Hyun-soo, Kim Joo-ryoung, Kim Min-sang, Lim Hyun-sung
Country: South Korea
Company: CJ Entertainment, Fantagio, Sangeori Pictures
Awards: 4 wins & 10 nominations
Worldwide Gross: $30,996,130