Shock ‘Em Dead
“Shock ‘Em Dead,” directed by Mark Freed, follows a struggling musician who makes a deal with a mysterious stranger to achieve rock stardom, only to discover that his newfound success comes with a deadly price. As he navigates the dark consequences of his bargain, he must confront the true cost of his ambition and the supernatural forces at play.
Views: 58
Genre: Horror, Music, Thriller
Director: Mark Freed
Actors: Aldo Ray, Christopher Maleki, Gina Parks, Karen Russell, Laurel Wiley, Markus Grupa, Stephen Quadros, Tim Moffett, Traci Lords, Troy Donahue
Country: United States of America
Company: Noma Productions
Budget: $100,000
1h 33minRelease: 1991
Release Date: 1991-01-31
IMDb: 4.9
TMDB: 4.2
Rotten Tomatoes: 46%
FilmAffinity: 4.7