Dora, played by Ryo Ryusei, and his team operate a con game designed to swindle money from unsuspecting victims. However, their latest mark, who initially appears to be just an average person, is actually a member of the yakuza. This unexpected twist plunges Dora and his crew into a much more sinister realm. Dora then becomes involved with a company that specializes in executing revenge by any means possible.
Views: 66
Director: Hajime Hashimoto
Actors: Kenji Matsuda, Kenta Suga, Kyoko Hinami, Maiko Amano, Maryjun Takahashi, Masaya Kato, Ryo Ryusei, Ryota Ozawa, Seiji Fukushi, Tomohiro Waki
Country: Japan
Company: Toei Tokyo Movie Studios, Toei Video Company