“Shikoku,” directed by Shunichi Nagasaki, is a supernatural horror film that follows a woman named Hinako who returns to her rural hometown on the island of Shikoku after many years. As she reconnects with her past, she uncovers eerie secrets and encounters ghostly apparitions linked to an ancient ritual, leading to a chilling exploration of life, death, and the afterlife.
Views: 22
Director: Shunichi Nagasaki
Actors: Chiaki Kuriyama, Hazuki Kôzu, Makoto Satō, Michitaka Tsutsui, Reila Aphrodite, Ren Osugi, Taro Suwa, Tomoko Otakara, Toshie Negishi, Yui Natsukawa
Country: Japan
Company: Asmik Ace Entertainment, Basara Pictures, Imagica