“Sharkwater,” directed by Rob Stewart, is a documentary that explores the beauty of sharks and the critical role they play in marine ecosystems, while also highlighting the threats they face from illegal fishing and the shark finning industry. The film combines stunning underwater footage with a compelling narrative to raise awareness about the urgent need for shark conservation and the fight against environmental destruction.
Views: 39
Genre: Documentary
Director: Rob Stewart
Actors: Boris Worm, Erich Ritter, Patrick Moore, Paul Watson, Rob Stewart
Country: Canada
Company: Diatribe Pictures, Sharkwater Productions, SW Productions
Awards: 13 wins & 3 nominations
Worldwide Gross: $1,658,393
1h 29minRelease: 2006
Release Date: 2006-09-11
IMDb: 7.9
TMDB: 7.5
Rotten Tomatoes: 79%
Metacritic: 59
FilmAffinity: 7.0