Shana: The Wolf’s Music
“Shana: The Wolf’s Music,” directed by Nino Jacusso, follows the journey of a young Indigenous girl named Shana, who is struggling with the loss of her mother and the challenges of growing up in a small Canadian village. Through her connection with a mysterious white wolf and the power of music, Shana embarks on a path of self-discovery and healing.
Views: 39
Genre: Adventure, Drama, Family, Music
Director: Nino Jacusso
Actors: Alana Aspinall, Delilah Dick, Marcel Shackely, Marty Aspinall, Sunshine O'Donovan, Vonnet Hall
Country: Canada, Switzerland
Company: Really Real Films, Reck Filmproduktion GmbH, Red Cedar Films
Awards: 1 win & 1 nomination