Shadows and Fog
“Shadows and Fog,” directed by Woody Allen, is a black-and-white comedy thriller set in a mysterious, fog-enshrouded European town. The film follows a timid clerk who becomes entangled in a series of bizarre events as he joins a vigilante mob searching for a serial killer, encountering a colorful array of characters along the way.
Views: 50
Genre: Comedy, Crime, Mystery, Thriller
Director: Woody Allen
Actors: Fred Gwynne, Jodie Foster, John Cusack, John Malkovich, Julie Kavner, Kathy Bates, Kenneth Mars, Madonna, Mia Farrow, Woody Allen
Country: United States of America
Company: Jack Rollins & Charles H. Joffe Productions, Orion Pictures
Awards: 1 win & 2 nominations
Budget: $14,000,000
Worldwide Gross: $2,735,731
1h 25minRelease: 1991
Release Date: 1991-12-05
IMDb: 6.7
TMDB: 6.7
Rotten Tomatoes: 54%
FilmAffinity: 6.7