X Company
This intense character-driven drama unfolds against the backdrop of the exhilarating yet perilous realm of World War II espionage and secret missions. It chronicles the journeys of five exceptionally talented young recruits from Canada, America, and Britain, who are plucked from their everyday lives to undergo training as operatives at a top-secret base on the shores of Lake Ontario. These agents are deployed behind enemy lines, where they face the constant threat of torture and execution. From luxurious hotels to grim battlefields, they navigate one hazardous mission after another, all orchestrated by the strategic minds at Camp X.
Views: 98
Genre: Drama
Director: Mark Ellis, Stephanie Morgenstern
Studio: Temple Street Productions
Creators: Mark Ellis, Stephanie Morgenstern
Awards: 2 wins & 19 nominations
TV Status: Ended
44minRelease: 2015
IMDb: 7.6
TMDb: 7.6
FilmAffinity: 5.7
Country: Canada
Networks: CBC Television
Starring: Evelyne Brochu, Hugh Dillon, Jack Laskey, Lara Jean Chorostecki, Torben Liebrecht, Warren Brown