When We Go to War
This epic historical narrative follows the lives of six young individuals in 1914, each brimming with aspirations and visions for their future. The film seamlessly transitions between their experiences at home, in Gallipoli, and in Egypt. It unfolds during a period marked by optimism and hope, just before the onset of war.
Views: 32
Genre: Drama
Studio: Jump Film and Television
Creators: Gavin Strawhan, Peter Burger, Rachel Lang
TV Status: Ended
1hRelease: 2015
IMDb: 6.8
TMDb: 10.0
Country: New Zealand
Networks: TV One
Starring: Andrew Grainger, Esther Stephens, Freya Milner, Gareth Williams, Ido Drent, Leith Towers, Shavaughn Ruakere, Sophia Huybens, Sylvia Rands, Tom O'Sullivan