“WeCrashed” (2022) is a compelling drama that delves into the rise and fall of WeWork, a company that revolutionized the concept of shared workspaces. The film stars Jared Leto and Anne Hathaway, who deliver powerful performances as the charismatic co-founder Adam Neumann and his wife Rebekah. Directed by Drew Crevello, the movie meticulously explores the dynamics of ambition, greed, and the eventual unraveling of a billion-dollar enterprise. For those interested, it can be viewed on Soap2day for free.
Views: 137
Genre: Drama
Director: Drew Crevello, Lee Eisenberg
Studio: Apple, Paradox, Piece of Work Productions, Somewhere Pictures, Vorpal Rabbit, Wondery, Zaftig Films
Awards: 2 wins & 2 nominations
Starring: America Ferrera, Anne Hathaway, Jared Leto, Kyle Marvin, O.T. Fagbenle