“UnREAL” unfolds within the setting of a popular dating competition series, centering on Rachel, a young staff member tasked with the responsibility of orchestrating interactions among the contestants to capture the essential dramatic and sensational moments required by the show’s indifferent executive producer. The result is a comedic yet troubling exploration of the unscripted television industry, where participating can be brutal, and the production process reveals a completely different reality.
Views: 21
Director: Marti Noxon, Sarah Gertrude Shapiro
Studio: A+E Studios, Wieden+Kennedy Entertainment
Creators: Marti Noxon, Sarah Gertrude Shapiro
Awards: Nominated for 2 Primetime Emmys, 6 wins & 24 nominations total
TV Status: Canceled
43minRelease: 2015
IMDb: 7.8
TMDb: 6.6
Rotten Tomatoes: 80%
Metacritic: 78
FilmAffinity: 6.6
Country: United States of America
Networks: LifetimeHulu
Starring: Adam Demos, Alejandro Muñoz, Brennan Elliott, Constance Zimmer, Craig Bierko, François Arnaud, Jeffrey Bowyer-Chapman, Meagan Holder, Natalie Hall, Shiri Appleby