True Lies
A suburban housewife, feeling unfulfilled in her mundane life, is stunned to learn that her seemingly ordinary husband, a computer consultant, is actually a talented international spy. Thrust into a world of peril and excitement, she joins forces with him on a mission to save the world, all while attempting to reignite the spark in their lackluster marriage.
Views: 35
Genre: Action & Adventure, Comedy
Director: Matt Nix
Studio: 20th Television, Anthony Hemingway Productions, Flying Glass of Milk Productions, Lightstorm Entertainment, Wonderland Sound and Vision
Creators: David Barrett, James Cameron, Kris Crenwelge, Mary Lou Belli
Awards: 1 win & 1 nomination
Starring: Annabella Didion, Erica Hernandez, Ginger Gonzaga, Lucas Jaye, Mike O'Gorman, Omar Benson Miller, Steve Howey