Set in a dark, supernatural version of Manila, this 2021 animated film follows Alexandra Trese, a detective who specializes in crimes involving mythical creatures from Filipino folklore. As she navigates the city’s underworld, she uncovers a series of mysterious events that threaten the delicate balance between humans and the supernatural. The film features the voice talents of Liza Soberano and Shay Mitchell, adding depth to its rich narrative. Directed by Jay Oliva, it offers a unique blend of horror and fantasy. You can watch it for free on Soap2day.
Views: 32
Genre: Animation, Crime, Mystery, Sci-Fi & Fantasy
Studio: BASE Entertainment, Lex and Otis
Starring: Carlos Alazraqui, Eric Bauza, Griffin Puatu, Jon Jon Briones, Matthew Yang King, Shay Mitchell, Steve Blum