Tokyo Ghoul
Ken Kaneki, a studious college student with a passion for books, encounters a girl named Rize at his regular café. Sharing similar interests and being of the same age, they swiftly form a bond. Unbeknownst to Kaneki, Rize is actually a ghoul—a creature that survives by preying on human flesh. After an incident leads to the transplantation of Rize’s unique organ, known as “the red child,” into Kaneki, he finds himself transformed into a ghoul. This change thrusts him into a distorted reality where humans are no longer the dominant species.
Views: 126
Genre: Action & Adventure, Animation, Drama, Mystery, Sci-Fi & Fantasy
Studio: Marvelous, Pierrot, TC Entertainment
Creators: Aaron Dismuke, Jessie James Grelle, Josh Grelle, Shûhei Morita
Awards: 6 wins & 5 nominations
Starring: Natsuki Hanae, Shintaro Asanuma, Sora Amamiya, Sumire Morohoshi, Takahiro Sakurai, Yuuya Uchida