There’s… Johnny!
Set against the backdrop of 1970s Los Angeles, this coming-of-age tale explores the experiences and hurdles faced by Andy, a naive 19-year-old from Nebraska who unexpectedly lands a job at The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson. Alongside him is Joy, a young talent coordinator on the show. Together, they navigate their paths and strive to establish themselves during a time of significant cultural and political change.
Views: 29
Genre: Comedy
Director: Paul Reiser
Studio: Comedy Dynamics, Nuance Productions, Rough House Pictures
Creators: David Steven Simon, Paul Reiser
TV Status: Canceled
Release: 2017
IMDb: 7.2
TMDb: 6.2
Rotten Tomatoes: 83%
Metacritic: 60
Country: United States of America
Networks: Hulu
Starring: Andrew Schulz, Daniel Strauss, David Hoffman, Ian Nelson, Jane Levy, Nate Smith, Roger Bart, T'Keyah Crystal Keymáh, Tony Danza