The Upshaws
This 2021 comedy series, created by Regina Y. Hicks, follows the daily life of a working-class African American family in Indiana as they navigate life’s ups and downs. Starring Mike Epps, Kim Fields, and Wanda Sykes, the show blends humor with heartfelt moments, offering a fresh take on family dynamics. While it hasn’t garnered any major awards, its relatable characters and engaging storylines have resonated with audiences. You can view it on Soap2day for free.
Views: 87
Director: Regina Y. Hicks, Wanda Sykes
Studio: Push It Productions
Awards: Nominated for 6 Primetime Emmys, 1 win & 19 nominations total
Starring: Jermelle Simon, Journey Christine, Khali Daniya-Renee Spraggins, Kim Fields, Kim Fields-Morgan, Kim Victoria Fields-Morgan, Mike Epps, Wanda Sykes