The Unusual Suspects
Set against the backdrop of Sydney’s affluent Eastern Suburbs, this 2021 film weaves a tale of crime, friendship, and unexpected alliances. The plot centers around a group of women from vastly different walks of life who band together to execute a daring heist. Starring Miranda Otto and Aina Dumlao, the film offers a fresh take on the heist genre with a strong emphasis on character development and social commentary. Directed by Natalie Bailey, it can be viewed on Soap2day for free.
Views: 32
Director: Jessica Redenbach
Studio: Aquarius Films, SBS, Screen Australia, Screen NSW
Awards: 4 nominations
Starring: Aina Dumlao, Andrea Demetriades, James Lugton, Lena Cruz, Matt Day, Michelle Vergara Moore, Miranda Otto, Peter O'Brien, Sandy Gore, Susana Downes, Toby Leonard Moore