The Real Housewives of Cheshire
The series delves into the opulent, champagne-infused lifestyles of Ampika Pickston, Dawn Ward, Lauren Simon, Leanne Brown, Magali Gorré, and Tanya Bardsley. As the series unfolds, viewers will become acquainted with these fascinating individuals and their interconnected lives. In the high-stakes world of Cheshire’s affluent and renowned inhabitants, life is fast-paced and filled with daily dramas, ensuring each episode is packed with excitement and entertainment. All of this is set against the stunning backdrop of their luxurious homes and exclusive locales. The Housewives’ wealth and social connections provide viewers with exclusive access to elite events and glamorous social gatherings that define their remarkable lives.
Views: 34
Genre: Reality
Studio: ITV Productions, Monkey Kingdom (GB), Splice Post
Creators: Scott Dunlop
Awards: 1 win
TV Status: Returning Series
44minRelease: 2015
IMDb: 4.3
TMDb: 5.0
Country: United Kingdom
Networks: ITVBe
Starring: Hanna Kinsella, Lauren Simon, Rachel Lugo, Seema Malhotra